DHL - Logistics Headquarters, Vienna docks - Austria

2001-2002 New office building for the customs area; Conversion of the existing office building


Extension of the existing administration complex by constructing a one-storey new building to serve as the offices of the customs department. Simultaneous reconstruction of the whole entrance area and of the outdoor spaces on the exterior of the building, as well as renovation and conversion of the existing office buildings and of the warehouses.

2002-2004 New office building with new construction of a canteen


New construction of offices and a canteen as a connecting element between two existing office sections. Design of an accompanying courtyard area with pond, as well as an island with plants and and another one with lighting.


Art elements on the building: Lothar Ä. Heinzle


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Project data

Gross floor area:   20.145m²

Footprint:                17.910m²

Net floor area:       19.455m²

Gross volume:      141.700m³



Structural engineers:   Gmeiner Haferl Zivilingenieure ZT GmbH

                                  Prinz Eugen Strasse 80/9, 1040  Wien-AT


Building physics:         Ingenieurbüro Dr. Walter Prause


Electrical Engineering:  Ing. Büro Künzl